River permit

Permis bateau cotière à HendayeHover Image



We offer you from 16 years old, in accelerated formula (only 2 days), to pass your river license with vagnon supports. It allows you to navigate on rivers, streams and canals. The method consists of 6 hours of theories to prepare you for the exam which is a code of 30 questions (25/30 allows you to have the exam).

Then 2 hours of practice divided into 5 Themes: Safety of the boater, Essential, Responsibility of the boater, Driving and Maneuvering.


100% success in 2021.


Find attached the governing documents for the file to the river option permit (medical certificate and cerfa) for the dates of examinations, thank you to contact us.

Referenced Datadoc: training eligible by your company in vocational training (make the request).


The river license gives you access to the extension of the yachting.

Premises accessible to people with reduced mobility.

School boat


Tax stamps